Monday, March 25, 2013

Princess Sophia's 1st Birthday!

Cinderella loved celebrating with such a tiny princess this weekend!  Princess Sophia turned one year old and had just as much fun as the 'big' Princes and Princesses!

Cinderella found a sweet, young prince to dance with, but sshh! don't tell Prince Charming!

Cinderella, Queen Wendy, & Princess Sophia

Don't forget to send Cinderella an invitation to your next royal ball at:

504/ 377. 6765
713/ 955. 8874

Princess Sienna's 5th Birthday!

Cinderella was so glad to get the opportunity to celebrate Princess Sienna's 5th birthday this past weekend!  It was one of the fanciest tea parties she has ever been to!

Princess hugs can never be too big!

Princess Games!

Princess Sienna gives the BEST hugs!

Thank you for the royal invitation!

Don't forget to send Cinderella an invitation to your next royal ball at:

504/ 377. 6765
713/ 955. 8874

Monday, March 18, 2013

Sneak Peek!

Our new, permanent website is still getting its magical touches, but here is a little sneak peek for our Princes and Princesses out there!

We hope you love it as much as we do!

Send your royal invitation to Sheri at

504/ 377.6765
713/ 955.8874

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Exciting News!

Your Party Princess is thrilled to announce that we now have a permanent website in the works!  Our fairy friends are hard at work making sure it's the most magical website in all the land!  We cannot wait to share it with you, so keep visiting so you don't miss out!

**In order to create this magic, our site will soon be 'UNDER CONSTRUCTION' for the remaining week!  Please e-mail or call with any questions you may have, as we are always available!**

Thank you for considering Your Party Princess!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Princesses Abby, Kate, & Lauren's 5th Birthday Celebration

Cinderella loved being able to attend Princesses Abby, Kate, & Lauren's royal ball this past weekend!  The highlight of the evening was getting to dance with all of the Princes and Princesses...and of course, leaving with three new princess friends!

Cinderella & Princess Abby (Aurora)

What a wonderful princess hug!

Don't forget to send a royal invitation to Sheri at

504/ 377.6765
713/ 955.8874

Princess Anna Grace's 3rd Birthday Celebration

Cinderella was thrilled to receive a royal invitation to attend Anna Grace's royal ball at The Little Gym in Pearland this weekend!  They played, they laughed...they had a BALL!  

Having a princess chat!

Anna Grace's cousin and best friend, McKinsey, shared a sweet moment with Cinderella

Don't forget to send Cinderella an invitation to your next royal ball at

504/ 377.6765
713/ 955.8874